Rees-Mogg gets candid | Sex-obsessed Romans | Bluesky thinking | Paying for presidents
I thought I would encounter a fair degree of cant and hypocrisy in the interview with Jacob Rees‑Mogg (Jacob Rees-Mogg on abortion, religion and reality TV: ‘I’ve been called worse than a Nazi’, 18 November), but was prepared to put my misgivings aside and read the whole article. I could cope with his twisting of scripture and the fact that he wants the tenets of the Catholic faith to apply to others and not to himself. However, I realised that he has indeed lost touch with reality when I got to the part where he believes that “Boris Johnson … is a truthful man”.
Stan Broadwell
Redfield, Bristol
• Jacob Rees-Mogg says: “I was actually called worse than a Nazi.” Was he called “working class”?
Dave Verguson
Lindley, Huddersfield