Cloudy with a chance of meatballs | State education | Handing Scotland over | 1p and 2p coins| Starmer’s change
“This year’s damp high season wasn’t terrible, just typical – but now we judge it against the scorching temperatures of the 2020s,” writes David Hambling (Weatherwatch, 10 October). We use a much simpler method: the metric … number of barbecues we’ve had. We might have lost count in 2020, but in 2024 it has been a one-barbecue summer.
Bob Dawson
Greenmount, Greater Manchester
• As secondary school rolls plummet, now is the time for students to leave private education and prevent the budgetary shortfall schools would be facing (Plans to add VAT to private school fees won’t be delayed, says minister, 8 October).
Sally Bates
Cotgrave, Nottinghamshire