Communicating your Science: An RMetS member-exclusive video series
28 May 2024
Members of the Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS) can now brush up on their science communication skills via exclusive access to a new video series, offering practical advice on communicating science through traditional and social media.
Produced by the RMetS’ Youth and Early Careers Special Interest Group primarily for Early Career members of the Society, the videos cover topics essential for effective science communication in today’s media landscape.
The series offers a wealth of advice and helpful tips about using social media, preparing for media interviews, and other practical insights tailored to the needs of early career weather and climate scientists.
Science communication is an essential skill and plays a vital role in bridging the divide between research and society at large. By rendering complex ideas understandable and engaging, effective science communication empowers individuals to grasp how scientific advancements impact their everyday lives. Furthermore, conveying scientific information clearly and accurately is crucial when tackling global issues like climate change.
As researchers and professionals in the field increasingly seek to share their science with the public, and with journalists looking for reliable facts about our changing weather and climate, RMetS strives to ensure that its Early Career members are properly prepared to communicate via different media.
The videos are available now to members via “My Dashboard”. Log in to view them here.